Here, community matters.

2024 Community Stats

Meals Provided

for the Southeast Texas Food Bank.

Dollars Raised

for the American Cancer Society and the Men Wear Pink campaign.

Financial Seminars

held throughout the Southeast Texas community, with 2,405 people in attendance!

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

- Helen Keller

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We Give $25,000 in Scholarships Annually.

Every year, we give ten scholarships totaling $25,000. Scholarships have been awarded to students in various counties in Southeast Texas! We are thrilled to continue this program to help make a difference in our student's lives.

We Work with Some Pretty Cool Organizations.

Our community is vital to our purpose. We value people helping people, and we are honored to sponsor many great organizations in Southeast Texas, such as United Way, Southeast Texas Food Bank, American Cancer Society, Boys Haven, CASA, and many others. We are proud to work alongside these wonderful organizations to make the Southeast Texas community better.

A photo collage of four different community events Rave Financial volunteered at or sponsored for American Cancer Society, United Way, Southeast Texas Food Bank, and Boys Haven
Lori Higgins, CUDE, CCUFC, AVP of Business Development at Rave Financial Credit Union

We Teach Financial Health for Free.

Whether you are a business owner, school teacher, or Human Resources manager, we can work with you! Our team travels around the Southeast Texas area and speaks to employees, students, and the community about financial topics such as how to build a budget, improve your credit score, car buying, home buying and more.

Contact [email protected] to inquire about scheduling a seminar.


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